Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One week until craziness

In one week Allendale, MI will be invaded by 18 crazy Otalians from all over. And when I say all over, i really mean it. Let me list the states and countries in which my friends are coming from:
Michigan (me)
Illinois (Mara)
Wisconsin (Gidge)
Indiana (Shiva, Nicole, and Michelle)
Ohio (Bronzey)
Kentucky (Kellie)
Tennessee (Katie and Beanie)
Texas (Engine and Sang)
Connecticut (Shortstack)
Pennsylvania (Foodie)
North Carolina (DiNovia and Torrence)
UK (Fletcher)
South Africa (Basher)
Australia (Keeva)

Yes, that is 19 people total that will somehow be fitting in my apartment. They aren't all sleeping here- most are going to the local hotel, but we are all going to be hanging out at my place to watch the finale of Guiding Light.

I am more excited about that then my 30th birthday. Maybe because i am not doing anything on my actual birthday- most of my friends here bailed on me, so I will spend the day doing what i want- playing xbox and chatting with friends. Maybe a Veronica Mars or Buffy Marathon?

Geek On.


Betty (Beth) said...

I had a Mini-Buffy marathon on Monday. Watched about 4 episodes to finish Season 2 (I'm rewatching them all). Such a lovely show.

Also, when is your birthday!?

Dany said...

good season- #2. My birthday is on sunday, the 13th.

B Fuhr said...

Oooh Veronica Mars I haven't re-watched that in ages. I'm assuming we're xbox-ing this weekend right?

Like I'm giving you money somehow and you're getting Beatles rockband... right?


::narrows eyes:: Don't look at me like that. It's called a birthday present. No! No scowling! I can spend my money how I like. You're no boss of me!

Dany said...

Ok Bren- I give up. YES, I will take the birthday gift, since clearly i am not the boss of you!

AE said...

Ooo Buffy marathon for sure! Season 3!!!!

I am sooo excited for this meet up and I'm not even going to physically be there. Watch, I'll be stationed on Katie's laptop for almost the entirety of that trip! I'll cry with you all as it ends... :(

You're amazing to host the meet up...could we expect anything less from our Skype Hostess?!

Love youuuuuuuuu

KTANKLE said...

I'll be honest. I'm more excited about coming to your apartment than I was about my birthday as well.

Even though I know it's just going to turn me into a bucket of tears with the finale.

I'm pretty stoked.