Friday, February 13, 2009

This Post is Brought to You by Dany and Brenda

So, Brenda, aka my twin, has been here for about 2 days. Here is the score of "Who will pay."

Wednesday: At Ihop, we played "Ask the waitress to pick a number." I picked 5, Brenda picked 4, and the waitress's number was 7. Winner: Dany.

Thursday: None- we ate on campus so my dining dollars paid for everything. Winner: TIED.

Today: At The Grand Coney, we played "Rock Paper Scissors," best 2 out of 3. First round: Brenda- Paper, Dany- Scissors. Second Round: Brenda- Scissors, Dany- Paper. Third round: Brenda- Scissors, Dany- Rock. Winner: Dany

Grocery Store: We split the cost of the groceries. Winner: Tied

So far, Wisconsin hospitality has won one. Stay tuned for updates.

Geek On.


Zana said...

Too funny!! I can't wait to hear the final score :)

and what did you all think of the Dollhouse premier? I must say I love Joss....

Bren said...

Also this: Dany: I still owe you ten dollars.
Brenda: Nah, you bought me Amstel Light.
Dany: Damnit.
Brenda: I win!

And Dollhouse was great. I think it has awesome potential and a killer lead-in.